Las Calles En Tampa Fatales Para Tu Carro
(Photo by Omar Marques/Getty Images)
What is happening in our city, especially on the streets of Tampa for car tires that are of such poor quality. And it gets to the point that the streets in Tampa are fatal for your car and it ends up costing you too much money in repairs.
The Streets In Tampa Are Fatal For Your Car
Can you believe that right here in the station building this week they had to change 3 tires on three different cars due to the poor conditions of the roads specifically in the city of Tampa.
Tampa, Florida, Famous hotels and traffic on South Harbor Island Blvd, downtown Florida, United States. (Photo by: Peter Titmuss/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
I recently moved to Tampa and now I have to travel through the streets of this magical city and one thing that I have noticed is the poor conditions of the streets that end up damaging any type of rubber on the cars that pass by there.
I don’t know exactly why the streets we pass with our taxes are in such a critical state with cracks and potholes to the point that they end up damaging our cars and that is another expense for our pockets at a time when everything is very expensive.
The only ones who are benefiting as these recent stories say are the owners of the rubber shops in the area who sell tires and make repairs like punches.
Some experts say that this catastrophe on our roads is due to the boom that the city of Tampa is experiencing with respect to the number of homes that have had to be manufactured to supply the many people who have recently moved to Tampa and also those that are still missing. arrive.
Look at what a beautiful landscape we experience in our city every day. You think that people don’t want to live that routine every day, that’s why we are in fashion and every day there are more people calling our beautiful city their new home.
Now my question to you is actually that’s the real reason why the roads in Hillsborough County cause flat tires. I personally think not and I think the city should improve the streets where we travel daily and so much of our taxes go to supposedly improve.
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Ya Casi Termina La Construcción Del Howard Frankland Bridge
Así va la cosa, ya casi termina la construcción del Howard Frankland Bridge y aquí te mostraré lo mucho que ha avanzado.
Muchos manejamos por el puente de la I-275 que une a Tampa y St. Pete todos los días, de hecho, somos alrededor de 170,000 autos diariamente. Según FDOT Tampa Bay la construcción comenzó en la primavera del 2020, se estima que el nuevo puente esté completo y listo para usarse a finales del 2025.
Puedes creerlo? Comenzó en la primavera del 2020, estamos en el 2024 y supuestamente terminará a finales del 2025… ya casi ya casi… el tiempo pasa volando!
Es una construcción de un nuevo puente en dirección sur/oeste (Tampa a St Pete). Tendrá ocho carriles, cuatro serán de uso general (Tampa a St. Pete) y cuatro carriles express, dos desde el lado de St. Pete a Tampa y dos de Tampa a St. Pete. También será incluido un camino separado para bicicletas y peatones.
El puente que ahora mismo va en dirección sur/oeste (de Tampa a St Pete) se convertirá en nuevo puente que irá en dirección norte/este (St Pete a Tampa).
Con alrededor de 275 trabajadores en una construcción que cuesta alrededor de $ 865,3 millones. Supuestamente cada puente tiene una vida útil de hasta 80 años. El Howard Frankland se construyó en 1959, por lo que tiene 64 años. Y será demolido en los próximos 2 años.
El Howard Frankland, que ahora mismo va en dirección de St. Pete a Tampa se construyó en 1959, por lo que tiene 65 años. Y será demolido en los próximos 2 años.
Ya Casi Termina La Construcción Del Howard Frankland Bridge
Si comenzó en el 2020, estamos en el 2024 y parece que sí terminarán para finales del 2025… eso significa que ya casi termina la construcción del Howard Frankland Bridge… “Ya estamos más pa’ allá que pa’ acá”.
Aquí te comparto fotos y video de como va:
Dimelotony is the night show host and promotions director on 92.5 Maxima. He has been with Beasley for the past 10 years in both the Tampa and Fort Myers market. Before working in radio, Tony did both TV and Newspaper doing both platforms in print and online. As a content creator for 925maxima, Tony mainly focuses on articles regarding the Tampa lifestyle, hot topics that impact your everyday routine and trending moments that occur all around our city.